Got a popup at skype today, yelling from an American friend who lives in HK, and now dating with a girl from mainland. As the girl really seems his cup of tea, he's serious and thinking about marriage too, in one year or two. Therefore he's slowly learning something about the mainland's marriage rituals, which tend to surprise him very often here and there. One thing is, the husband and his family needs to pay for most of the wedding fees. He's actually joking a lot about that.
It's so interesting to know something like this, the uniqueness of every different culture.
Dark Blue Zentai Suit with White Mesh Suit |
OK, the zentai's culture is, stay with zentai stuffs if you love it, and forget it when you don't. Never be bothered :) Secretly or publicly wearing zentai suits, the appearance of this fashion itself, is the signal of the enriched culture and more generous environment, so I don't have much complaints at this.
FurryZentaiLover's Creative Zentai Photos |
The unicolor zentai suits tend to be more classic, although they only have one color. My friend furryzentailover, has got two suits, one deep blue and another white mesh tight. He has compiled them together and we have some great photos related with zentai. With his approval, share the photos here.
This is the white mesh zentai suit's photo when it's worn together with black lace suit.
Friend's blog if you are interested:
I am always humbled when you show my pictures and videos on your blog. *hugs*