

TV Shows and My Halloween Costume

I have watched a TV show called Lie to Me recent week, about how to tell the true from false and help quickly solve the problems. Although I have doubt about we could really see much and make very accurate decisions by micro-behaviors, I don't have any expert knowledge at that, so I can't judge. As a show for entertainment, it's fresh and unique subject for me. I used to watch the shows for fun mostly, such as The Big Bang. Although they are just stories, we could see how important it is to show our concern and love to those around us.

Halloween's coming with a few parties of different groups, and I will use this chance to spend more time with friends in reality. Besides work, I have really enjoyed a long house time with my books, magazines, zentai suits and laptop. I do talk with them through internet, check update at facebook. I have read at a glance of an academic paper about surfing internet and the result contains something like: as we put yourself at internet we tend to be less communicate at reality :) Maybe it's a chance to try it and see.

My final Halloween costume, which I probably will also wear once or twice for photos taking myself later, is finally a simple green lycra spandex zentai suit, and I drew a large smile face at the front of the suit, for fun. The lesson is when I have too long backup choices of shopping, I may easily forget these great choices at beginning, and do the easy and lazy way.
Dark Green Lycra Spandex Zentai Suit
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