

Coffee Lycra Spandex Zentai Bodysuit

Today's another cloudy and windy day. Seems right after the summer heat, this autumn only gives us one day with the bright sunshine while tender breeze, and now quickly jumps to dizzy while cold weather. Sitting on the balcony of twenty-first floor, I could see warm yellow light from the same floor of another building - so close, while so far. At this high place, I could feel the foggy like air floating in front of me, and all the red/green light from the city seems so lonely.

It's just a few days like this, and I begin missing the bright sunshine again. Therefore when I dig out my collections of zentai photos, I love this series contain the coffee lycra spandex zentai bodysuit, sunshine and trees. Maybe the photography technique is not wise at all, but I could feel so straightforward, the existence of the bright sunshine.

Crimson Lycra Spandex Zentai Suit, Soil, Old Wall

Looking For a Dream Buried in the Warm Soil
Photos, could record all the most touching and beautiful moments in our life. That's the value of camera for me.

