

Unicolor Shiny Metallic Zentai Outfits

Today I have shown my unicolor zentai photos to friends, and they commented it's looking classic and chic. This makes me excited and I want to share some more unicolor shiny metallic zentai outfits here.

The shiny metallic suits, are named after the special shimmer effects of the surface of the cloth material. They are widely used in zentai and other skin-tight costumes, at various styles for stage shows, parties, holidays and lovers of morphsuits.

Unlike lycra, the shiny zentai outfits need to be away from water, to keep the good visual effects. Too much scrutch will influence it too.

The unicolor suits, same as the lycra ones, are composed of only one color for the whole suit, and the zipper's also same coor, at the back.
Burgundy Shiny Metallic Zentai Suits
Champagne Shiny Metallic Full Body Suits
Dark Coffee Shiny Metallic Zentai Outfits
These three colors are going towards one direction while at totally different degrees, and all sold at $32.99 only, a very fair price among the shiny suits. Most of all, custom tailor available for free :)

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