

My Dream - Avatar Lycra Spandex Zentai Suits

The hot seasons for different kinds of funs and parties is coming again this year. Maybe it's a little bit too early to say this, but it's never too early to prepare something. Last year I wanted to dress up as Avatar and because I began the browse for that too late, I only ended up with a brown jacket, as a "false or mental Avatar" for a friend's party. It was a great time but it's a little bit pity when I see the photos, as I am not really the one I want to be. There's no blue zentai suit with straps, no cute tail, no machete either. I only got rough blue face painting and the jacket.

So this year here's my first goal, to suit up in Avatar zentai suits with the accessories. I am not sure whether I will stick with the idea to the end, but it doesn't influence my excitement to do the collection of the suits now, as a part of the important shopping memo.
Female Lycra Spandex Avatar Zentai Suits
This female avatar zentai suit has the bold cute tail, and the subtle dark blue straps, just as I imagined. However, the hood with the round holes don't look too matching with the movie. I could also just get rid of the hood, and do the facial painting myself.
Male Avatar Costume Tailored by Lycra Spandex
Compared with other lycra suits, these male and female avatar suits are relative more expensive, and if you want, you could also just buy an appropriate blue color suit without hood, then paint the straps on it and make your own avatar suits. It's a different kind of fun to put in your own time and efforts to do something mannually. At the same time, the saved expense could be spent for other holiday stuffs.

