

Fantastic Four: Loving the manga and movies, and the bodysuits

Fantastic Four is a series of manga about a group of superheros, who have been exposed to the radiation from universe and gain the super power. It's hard to believe that this manga has already accompanied me so long, and since its burn in 1961, there are already 589 issues exist. Now we are quietly waiting for the Fantastic Four: Reborn, the new movie for this series. When I was browsing around the movies and accidentally saw this, I just realized in a sudden that the Fantastic Four bodysuits are a kind of zentai suits without the hood too, and from the pictures, I believe the lycra cloth could be perfect to tailor for it. Then I have done a search and I really found it! And I have also brought back my memory about the reason I didn't try it yet. OK, you will see. Here's the fantastic 4 lycra zentai suit I found:
Dark Blue Fantastic Lycra Spandex 4 Costume
It's tailored by the dark blue color lycra cloth, with the black gloves and belts by patent leather, and the chest badge looks good. It's sold at $45.99 - yes, a little bit more expensive than average lycra suit, but considering the price for other costumes with a theme, it's rational. This really lurks my desire for get it. This must be the new model suits from them. Why? Because I have searched for it before and didn't see it.

And this was what I have got before, which is also by lycra. It's not bad, just the color's not very right for me. If for general fun it's ok. That's why I dropped this idea.
Bright Blue and Black Fantastic Four Lycra Zentai Suit
The good thing for this human torch costume is, it's sold at 37.99USD, so it's cheaper.

There's also another version tailored by shiny metallic material, and it should be good choice for show and parties. Attached here for your reference.
Fantastic 4 Shiny Metallic Bodysuits  $36.99

